1,821 research outputs found

    Leptonic decay-constant ratio fK/fπf_K/f_\pi from lattice QCD using 2+1 clover-improved fermion flavors with 2-HEX smearing

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    We present a calculation of the leptonic decay-constant ratio fK/fπf_K/f_\pi in 2+1 flavor QCD. Our data set includes five lattice spacings and pion masses reaching down below the physical one. Special emphasis is placed on a careful study of all systematic uncertainties, especially the continuum extrapolation. Our result is perfectly compatible with the first-row unitarity constraint of the Standard Model.Comment: 19 pages, 6 figures, 3 tables; v2: added supplementary analysis, version published in Phys. Rev.

    Zum Einfluss der Darstellung von Rollenvorbildern auf die Mensch-Technik-Interaktion im demografischen Wandel

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    Die selbstständige Lebensführung bis in das hohe Alter ist eines der Hauptziele der alternden Gesellschaft. Erwägungen älterer Menschen fallen hier mit zentralen Forderungen der Politik zusammen. Eine Schlüsselrolle spielt dabei die Mensch-Technik-Interaktion im demografischen Wandel (MTIDW). Der Beitrag stellt erste Ergebnisse des Projekts "Silver Clips" vor, mit dem an der Hochschule Harz (HS Harz) die Darstellung von Rollenvorbildern zur Heranführung Älterer an die MTIDW optimiert werden soll

    Development of a smartphone virtual reality game to support the radiation therapy of children and adolescents in proton centers

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    IntroductionFor most patients, cancer therapy with radiation is a new experience coming with many unknown challenges. This can be stressful, particularly for children and adolescents. With the aim of reducing this stress and anxiety, a virtual-reality (VR) game, which can be used by patients prior to treatment, was developed and evaluated in a proton therapy center.MethodsThe specifications were derived from literature and from interviews with medical staff and patients. The gantry including the sound of its moving components and the sound of the interlock and safety system were identified as the main features relevant for preparation of a radiation course. Potential implementation difficulties were identified in a literature study and regarded in the design. Within the VR game, patients could interact with modeled equipment of the treatment room and hear the reportedly stress-inducing sounds in a stress-free environment prior to the treatment. The VR game was evaluated in a second series of interviews with patients.Results and DiscussionThis exploratory study demonstrated the specification, implementation and safe application of a VR game dedicated to young proton therapy patients. Initial anecdotal evidence suggested that the VR gaming experience was well received and found to be helpful when preparing young patients for radiation therapy

    Особенности построения дискретных моделей тел с кинематически генерируемыми поверхностями

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    В роботі досліджується питання створення керованих геометричних і скінченно-елементних моделей тіл з поверхнями складної форми. Вивчені можливості їх застосування в єдиному циклі синтезу геометрії тіл, обмежених кінетично генерованими поверхнями, та аналізу їх напружено-деформованого стану.The paper concerns a question of creating controlled geometrical and finite-element models of bodies with complicated boundary. The ways of their application in the united cycle of bodies` geometry synthesis and analysis of their stain-stress state are studied for the case when the solids are bounded by kinematically generated surfaces

    Paleoenvironments from robust loess stratigraphy using high-resolution color and grain-size data of the last glacial Krems-Wachtberg record (NE Austria)

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    The complex interplay of dust sedimentation, pedogenesis, and erosion/reworking in the formation of loess-paleosol sequences (LPS) challenges paleoenvironmental proxies. Here we show that color and grain size are essential parameters characterizing loess profiles and support robust stratigraphies as a basis for reconstructions in the context of local geo-ecological and large-scale paleoclimatic evolution. Detailed paleoenvironmental records from the period since the arrival of anatomically modern humans to the last glacial maximum are scarce in the Alpine surroundings. The c. 7.5 m thick LPS Krems-Wachtberg, NE Austria, known for its well-preserved Upper Paleolithic context at a depth of 5.5 m, formed between 40 and 20 ka BP by quasi-continuous dust-sedimentation, interrupted by phases of incipient pedogenesis and local reworking. The new KW2015 composite is based on three sections studied and sampled at 2.5 cm resolution. Color and grain size data support a robust stratigraphy for reconstructions of the pedosedimentary evolution. The marked transition from oxidized to reduced paleosols of KW2015 around 34–35 ka corresponds to the Middle-to Upper Pleniglacial transition as part of a general cooling trend from marine isotope stage (MIS) 3 to 2, intensely modulated by millennial-scale climatic fluctuations as recorded in the Greenland ice core data. The distinct response of KW2015 to these trends highlights that reconstructing LPS evolution based on a robust stratigraphy is a prerequisite to paleoenvironmental proxy interpretation

    SIRT1 decreases Lox-1-mediated foam cell formation in atherogenesis

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    Aims Endothelial activation, macrophage infiltration, and foam cell formation are pivotal steps in atherogenesis. Our aim in this study was to analyse the role of SIRT1, a class III deacetylase with important metabolic functions, in plaque macrophages and atherogenesis. Methods and results Using partial SIRT1 deletion in atherosclerotic mice, we demonstrate that SIRT1 protects against atherosclerosis by reducing macrophage foam cell formation. Peritoneal macrophages from heterozygous SIRT1 mice accumulate more oxidized low-density lipoprotein (oxLDL), thereby promoting foam cell formation. Bone marrow-restricted SIRT1 deletion confirmed that SIRT1 function in macrophages is sufficient to decrease atherogenesis. Moreover, we show that SIRT1 reduces the uptake of oxLDL by diminishing the expression of lectin-like oxLDL receptor-1 (Lox-1) via suppression of the NF-κB signalling pathway. Conclusion Our findings demonstrate protective effects of SIRT1 in atherogenesis and suggest pharmacological SIRT1 activation as a novel anti-atherosclerotic strategy by reducing macrophage foam cell formatio

    SIRT1 decreases Lox-1-mediated foam cell formation in atherogenesis

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    Aims Endothelial activation, macrophage infiltration, and foam cell formation are pivotal steps in atherogenesis. Our aim in this study was to analyse the role of SIRT1, a class III deacetylase with important metabolic functions, in plaque macrophages and atherogenesis. Methods and results Using partial SIRT1 deletion in atherosclerotic mice, we demonstrate that SIRT1 protects against atherosclerosis by reducing macrophage foam cell formation. Peritoneal macrophages from heterozygous SIRT1 mice accumulate more oxidized low-density lipoprotein (oxLDL), thereby promoting foam cell formation. Bone marrow-restricted SIRT1 deletion confirmed that SIRT1 function in macrophages is sufficient to decrease atherogenesis. Moreover, we show that SIRT1 reduces the uptake of oxLDL by diminishing the expression of lectin-like oxLDL receptor-1 (Lox-1) via suppression of the NF-kappaB signalling pathway. Conclusion Our findings demonstrate protective effects of SIRT1 in atherogenesis and suggest pharmacological SIRT1 activation as a novel anti-atherosclerotic strategy by reducing macrophage foam cell formation